How to answer why do you want to leave your current job?

i need help in terms of what i should say and not to say during the interview. my career goal is become a healthcare analyst. in order to achieve that goal i need to start off as a decision support analyst. i had an interview three years ago for that position but was not selected since i wasn't working in ...More
i need help in terms of what i should say and not to say during the interview. my career goal is become a healthcare analyst. in order to achieve that goal i need to start off as a decision support analyst. i had an interview three years ago for that position but was not selected since i wasn't working in the healthcare sector at that time. these three years i switched three jobs to gain the skills i need to move to decision support. all three jobs started as 1 year contract because someone had to go on maternity leave. my one year contract is about to expire. i have a chance to become permanent but if i do become permanent this will my third job where i move from mat leave temporary one year contract replacement to permanent. i want to for once choose my own career and secondly i will be starting master of health administration part-time this september. my current position we just give the data to decision support. i want to do more than clean and giving the data. if i move to decision support i can utilize what i will learn from the master's degree. Less

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