Impinj, Inc.
If you’ve purchased apparel from a major retailer like Macy’s or Zara, run a race like the New York City Marathon, enjoyed a drink from a Coca-Cola Freestyle soda fountain, hit a ball at Topgolf or checked bags at airports worldwide like Las Vegas McCarran then you’ve probably interacted with the Impinj Platform.

We connect everyday items using RAIN, a radio-frequency identification technology we pioneered. We deliver Item Intelligence, physical items’ unique identity, location and authenticity, to the digital world, which we believe is the essence of the Internet of Things, or IoT. Our platform connects billions of everyday items such as apparel, medical supplies, automobile parts, drivers’ licenses, food and luggage to applications such as inventory management, patient safety, asset tracking and item authentication, delivering real-time information to businesses about items they create, manage, transport and sell.
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